"It's time to move on, it's time to get going." - Tom Petty

There are two (2) parts of Bigfoot's Weekly Marathon Challenge:
Part 1: The Challenge: Beginning on the first full week of April 2022 (April 4, 2022) and ending on last full week of May 2022 (May 29, 2022), run at least 26.2 miles per week. If you fail to run at least 26.2 miles in a week, you can make up for it by running at least 30 miles in the immediately following week. If you (i) fail to run at least 26.2 miles in one week, and (ii) fail to run at least 30 miles in the following week, you'll be eliminated from the challenge. More details are below.
Part 2: The Celebratorty Post-Challenge Group Run: On a date TBD, we'll run 5 miles in Sykesville as a group, starting and finishing at Patapsco Distilling Company. More details are below.
Details for The Challenge:
Prizes/Cost: If you complete the challenge without being eliminated, then you'll win a free Bigfoot's Weekly Marathon Challenge neck gaiter. The runner who runs the most miles during the challenge will win the Bigfoot's Weekly Marathon Challenge trophy (customized YETI drinkware item). However, if you get eliminated, you'll owe $50, which will be donated to Parkinson's research.
How to Participate: You must join the Bigfoot's Weekly Marathon Challenge club on Strava so that we can track your miles. All of your miles must be reported on Strava to qualify.
Leaderboard: Scroll to the bottom of this page.
Details for The Post-Challenge Group Run:
Cost: It's free! This makes sense, since this is a do-it-yourself, self-supported ride. No food, water, aid, mechanical assistance, or other support will be provided by Bigfoot Endurance or any other person, and Bigfoot Endurance is not responsible in any way for your safety on the course.
Who: Anyone! You don't have to participate in the Challenge to participate in the Run.
When: TBD
Where: Patapsco Distilling Company